Indian Constitution GTU Paper Solution Winter 2021

Here, We provide Indian Constitution GTU Paper Solution Winter 2021. Read the Full IC gtu paper solution given below.


Question: 1

(a) Classify fundamental rights in part III of the Indian Constitution

The fundamental rights in Part III of the Indian Constitution can be broadly classified into six categories:

  1. Right to Equality (Articles 14-18)
  2. Right to Freedom (Articles 19-22)
  3. Right against Exploitation (Articles 23-24)
  4. Right to Freedom of Religion (Articles 25-28)
  5. Cultural and Educational Rights (Articles 29-30)
  6. Right to Constitutional Remedies (Article 32)

(b) List out sources of the Indian Constitution and provisions taken from
those sources

Question: 2

(a) List 5 important characteristics of the Constitution of India

Federal in nature: The Constitution of India establishes a federal system of government, with a clear division of powers between the central government and the state governments.

Written Constitution: The Indian Constitution is a written document, which lays down the fundamental principles, rules, and procedures that govern the country.

Rigid Constitution: The Indian Constitution is a rigid one, which means that it is difficult to amend. The amendment process is quite lengthy and requires the approval of a majority of the members of both houses of parliament as well as the ratification by a majority of the state legislatures.

Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic Republic: The Constitution of India establishes India as a sovereign nation, socialist society, secular state, and a democratic republic, where the power is vested in the people and is exercised through their elected representatives.

Fundamental Rights and Duties: The Constitution of India guarantees certain fundamental rights to its citizens, such as the freedom of speech, religion, and equality before the law. It also imposes certain fundamental duties on the citizens, such as abiding by the Constitution and respecting the national flag and the national anthem.

(b) Discuss the meaning of constitution. Why it is required for a country?

(b) What is Equality under Article – 14

Question: 3

(a) Explain Government of India Act of 1935. What is effect of it on
current constitution of India.

The Government of India Act of 1935 was a major constitutional reform act passed by the British Parliament, which aimed to provide a new system of government for British India. It was the last major legislation enacted by the British government before the independence of India in 1947.

The Act introduced several significant changes to the constitutional framework of British India. It introduced a federal system of government, with a clear division of powers between the central government and the provinces, and provided for the creation of an Indian federation, with the British Indian provinces and princely states as its units.

The Act also introduced a bicameral legislature for British India, consisting of a Council of States and a Legislative Assembly, and provided for the establishment of a Federal Court to settle disputes between the central government and the provinces.

The Government of India Act 1935 had a significant effect on the current Constitution of India. Many of the provisions of the Act, such as the federal structure of government, the bicameral legislature, and the establishment of a Federal Court, were adopted and incorporated into the Indian Constitution. Additionally, the Constitution’s provisions on the rights and duties of citizens, the organization and powers of the judiciary, and the structure and powers of the central and state governments were heavily influenced by the Act.

(b) Define Federal system. Explain different features of it.

Question: 3

(a) Write down different rights as part of article 21 as per Menaka case
judgement for protection of life and personal liberty

Right to live with human dignity: The court held that the right to live with human dignity is a fundamental right guaranteed by Article 21 and that this right encompasses the right to food, shelter, and basic necessities of life.

Right to privacy: The court held that the right to privacy is an inherent part of the right to life and personal liberty and that it encompasses a wide range of personal and private activities.

Right against custodial violence: The court held that the right to life and personal liberty under Article 21 also includes protection against torture and cruel, inhumane, or degrading treatment while in custody.

Right to a fair trial: The court held that the right to a fair trial is an essential aspect of the right to life and personal liberty and that it includes the right to a fair and impartial trial, the right to be represented by a lawyer, and the right to be informed of the charges against one.

Right to speedy trial: The court held that the right to a fair trial also includes the right to a speedy trial and that undue delay in the trial process can violate the right to life and personal liberty.

Right to compensation for violation of rights: The court held that in cases where the right to life and personal liberty is violated, the state has a constitutional obligation to provide compensation to the affected person.

(b) Explain right to freedom of religion (Article 25 to 28)

Question: 4

(a) Explain different types of Amendments and Procedure as per Article
368 in Indian Constitution

The Indian Constitution can be amended through the process laid down in Article 368. The article lays down the procedure for amending the Constitution, as well as the types of amendments that can be made. There are mainly two types of amendments that can be made to the Constitution:

  1. Simple or Formal Amendment: This type of amendment is used for making minor or technical changes to the Constitution. Simple amendments are made by passing a bill in both houses of the Parliament with a two-thirds majority and then obtaining the President’s assent.
  2. Complex or Constitutional Amendment: This type of amendment is used for making substantial changes to the Constitution. Complex amendments are made by passing a bill in both houses of the Parliament with a two-thirds majority and then obtaining the President’s assent. However, in addition to the above process, the bill must also be ratified by at least half of the state legislative assemblies before it becomes an amendment.

The procedure for amendment of the Constitution is as follows:

  1. The amendment bill must be introduced in either the Lok Sabha or the Rajya Sabha.
  2. The bill must be passed by a two-thirds majority in both houses of the Parliament, with at least half of the total members present and voting in each house.
  3. After being passed by the Parliament, the bill is sent to the President for his assent.
  4. If the bill concerns any matter enumerated in the State List, it shall also require to be ratified by the Legislatures of not less than one-half of the States by resolutions to that effect passed by those Legislatures before the bill is presented to the President for assent.
  5. Once the President gives his assent, the bill becomes an amendment to the Constitution and comes into effect.

(b) Differentiate between Lok sabha (House of Representation) and Rajya

Question: 4

(a) What is local Self government? How it is followed Gandhian

Local self-government refers to the system of governance in which power is devolved to the local level, allowing citizens to participate in the decision-making and management of their own communities. It is also known as decentralization or grassroots democracy. In India, local self-government is provided for by the Constitution under the 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendment Act of 1992.

The Gandhian philosophy of local self-government emphasizes the importance of empowering citizens at the grassroots level and giving them a direct say in the governance of their communities. According to Gandhiji, true democracy can only be achieved through the active participation of citizens in the governance of their own communities. He believed that the development of local self-government is essential for the development of the nation as a whole.

Gandhi’s concept of local self-government is based on the principles of non-violence, non-cooperation, and swaraj (self-rule). He believed that the only way to achieve true independence and self-rule was through the empowerment of the people, especially the poor and marginalized.

Gandhian philosophy is also reflected in the Panchayat Raj system in India, which is an important aspect of local self-government. Panchayats are the local bodies responsible for the administration of villages, towns and districts. They are composed of elected representatives and have the power to make decisions on a wide range of issues, including education, health, and sanitation.

Gandhi’s emphasis on the importance of local self-government is also reflected in the idea of Gram Swaraj, which advocates for the development of self-sufficient and self-reliant villages. This concept emphasizes the importance of community participation and decision-making in the development of villages and the empowerment of local communities.

(b) List and Explain three types of emergencies present in Indian

Question: 5

(a) Explain constitution powers and status of the President of India in
Parliamentary Form of Government in India

In the parliamentary form of government in India, the President is the head of the state but not the head of the government. The President’s powers and status are defined by the Constitution of India.

Executive Powers: The President of India has the power to appoint the Prime Minister, who is the head of the government, as well as other members of the Council of Ministers. The President also has the power to appoint the governors of states, judges of the Supreme Court and High Courts, and other important officials.

Legislative Powers: The President has the power to summon and prorogue the sessions of the Parliament, and to dissolve the Lok Sabha (the lower house of the parliament). The President also has the power to give assent to bills passed by the parliament and has veto power on certain bills.

Emergency Powers: The President has the power to declare a state of emergency in the country under certain conditions, as per Article 352, 356 and 360 of the Constitution.

Representational Role: The President represents India in the international arena and receives the ambassadors and other envoys of other countries.

Role in the Parliament: The President has the power to address the parliament and can also send messages to it. The President also has the power to summon a joint sitting of both houses of the parliament, in case of a deadlock.

(b) Write down Protection of Six Rights guarantee by Article 19 to all

Question: 5

(a) Identify the socialist, Gandhian and western liberal principles as
mentioned in directive principles of state policy

The Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP) in the Indian Constitution are a set of guidelines for the government to follow in order to establish a just and equitable society. These principles are not legally enforceable, but are considered fundamental in the governance of the country and the courts can refer to them while interpreting the Constitution.

  • Socialist principles: The DPSP includes several socialist principles such as the right to work, the right to education, and the right to an adequate standard of living. It also includes provisions for the state to take measures to reduce economic and social inequality, and to provide for the welfare of the weaker sections of society.
  • Gandhian principles: The DPSP includes several principles inspired by the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi, such as the promotion of cottage industries, the development of village panchayats, the protection of the environment, and the promotion of non-violence.
  • Western liberal principles: The DPSP also includes principles inspired by Western liberal thought, such as the protection of individual liberty, the promotion of democracy, and the rule of law. It also includes provisions for the separation of powers between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government.

(b) what is social responsibilities as a Indian Citizen as per the
Fundamental Duties present in Part IV of Indian Constitution

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