Here you can see a collection of GTU Electrical Engineering SEM 6 Books and Study material related to the Electrical Engineering program offered by Gujarat Technological University (GTU) in India. Specifically, the collection is focused on the 6th semester of the program. GTU Electrical Engineering SEM 6 Books and Study material.
GTU All Books PDF

Electrical Materials (3160923)

Electrical Materials (3160923)

Inter Connected Power System (3160920)

M & M (3160914)

M & M (3160914)

Wind Solar Energy (3160917)

Electrical Measurement and Measuring Instruments (3160915)

Electrical Measurement and Measuring Instruments (3160915)

Element of Electrical Design (3160918)

Element of Electrical Design (3160918)

Electric Drives (3160919)

Electric Drives (3160919)
This collection of books is likely intended to be used by students enrolled in the program as a comprehensive resource for their coursework and exam preparation. It may include textbooks, reference materials, and other resources that are considered important for mastering the content covered in the semester. if you want to read some other books go to here.
Read More : GTU Electrical Engineering Syllabus
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