OOP Winter 2022 GTU Paper Solution | 3140705

Here, We provide OOP GTU Paper Solution Winter 2022. Read the Full OOP GTU paper solution given below.

Object Oriented Programming-1 GTU Old Paper Winter 2022 [Marks : 70] : Click Here 

(a) Discuss significance of byte code.

Bytecode is the intermediate code that is generated by the Java compiler and executed by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Here are some of the significant benefits of bytecode in the context of Java:

  • Portability: Java bytecode is platform-independent, which means that it can be executed on any platform that has a JVM installed
  • Security: Bytecode provides an additional layer of security as it can be executed within a sandbox environment. This sandbox ensures that the bytecode cannot access system resources directly, which helps prevent malicious code from damaging the system.
  • Performance: While bytecode requires an additional step of interpretation or compilation by the JVM, it can be optimized for performance during this step. Additionally, the JVM can dynamically adapt its execution to improve performance based on the current system load and available resources.
  • Maintainability: Bytecode can be easily decompiled back into source code, which can help developers understand and modify existing code.

(b) Explain Java garbage collection mechanism.

(c) List OOP characteristics and describe inheritance with examples.

(a) Explain constructor with the help of an example.

(b) List out different methods available for String class in java and explain
any two with proper example.

(c) Explain all access modifiers and their visibility as class members.

(c) Compare String with StringBuffer. Also, write a program to count the
occurrence of a character in a string.

(a) What is the final class? Why they are used?

(b) Write exception handling mechanisms in JAVA.

(c) Explain Overloading and Overriding with example.

(a) How can you create packages in Java?

(b) What is Inheritance? List out the different forms of Inheritance and
explain any one with example.

(c) Explain the words super, static, final and this with the help of an

(a) List out various layout panes in JavaFX.

(b) Explain the architecture of JavaFX.

(c) Discuss BufferedInputStream and BufferedOutputStream classes with
an example.

(a) List out JavaFX UI controls and explain any one in detail.

(b) Demonstrate animation effect in JavaFX.

(c) Create a class called Student. Write a student manager program to
manipulate the student information from files by using FileInputStream
and FileOutputStream.

(a) What is Java Collection?

(b) List out methods of Iterator and explain it.

(c) Explain Set and Map in Java with example.

(a) What is Vector class?

(b) Describe with diagram the life cycle of Thread.

(c) Explain synchronization in Thread with suitable example.

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