Cryptography and Network Security Winter 2022 GTU Paper Solution | 3161606

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Cryptography and Network Security GTU Old Paper Winter 2022 [Marks : 70] : Click Here

(a) Explain the following terms in brief:
i) Confidentiality
ii) Non-repudiation
iii) Access Control.

i) Confidentiality: Confidentiality refers to the protection of sensitive or confidential information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. It ensures that only authorized individuals or entities have access to confidential data, and that it is kept secure and confidential. Confidentiality is an important aspect of information security and is typically achieved through various security measures such as encryption, access controls, and data classification. For example, in a healthcare setting, patient medical records are considered confidential and should only be accessed by authorized healthcare professionals for legitimate purposes.

ii) Non-repudiation: Non-repudiation is the assurance that the originator of a message or transaction cannot deny their involvement or repudiate the authenticity of the message or transaction. It provides evidence that a message or transaction was sent or received by a specific entity, and that entity cannot later deny their involvement. Non-repudiation is important in digital communication and transactions to prevent disputes and ensure trust among parties. For example, in digital signatures, non-repudiation ensures that the signer of a document cannot later deny their signature, providing legal validity and accountability.

iii) Access Control: Access control refers to the process of granting or denying permissions or privileges to users or entities based on their authenticated identity and authorized role. Access control ensures that only authorized users have appropriate access to resources, systems, or data, while preventing unauthorized access. Access control can be implemented through various mechanisms, such as role-based access control (RBAC), mandatory access control (MAC), discretionary access control (DAC), and others. It is a fundamental security measure used to protect information systems and prevent unauthorized access, data breaches, and information misuse.

(b) Construct a Play fair matrix with the key “Trust” and encrypt the
message “Be confident in yourself”.

(c) List down various modes of operations of block cipher and explain any
three of them briefly.

(a) Encrypt the message “Coronavirus” using the Hill Cipher with the key-
[5 2]
[1 7]


[5 2]
[1 7]

We first need to convert the plaintext message into a matrix of numbers based on a substitution table. Let’s assume the substitution table is as follows:

Substitution Table:

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z
0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Using the substitution table, we can convert the plaintext message “Coronavirus” into a matrix of numbers:


C   O   R   O   N   A   V   I   R   U   S
2   14  17  14  13  0   21  8   17  20  18

Next, we multiply the plaintext matrix with the key matrix (mod 26) to obtain the ciphertext matrix:

[5  2]   [2  14  17  14  13  0  21  8  17  20  18]   [83  156  197  156  127  21  193                                                                                                                                                     78    155  206  157]
[1  7] * [5   2   2   2   13  0  21  8  17  20  18] = [86  113  118  84  153  14  187                                                                          49  111  135  130]

Note that we take the result modulo 26 at each step to ensure that the ciphertext matrix contains numbers within the range of 0 to 25, which corresponds to the letters in the substitution table.

The resulting ciphertext matrix is:

83  156  197  156  127  21  193  78  155  206  157
86  113  118  84  153  14  187  49  111  135  130

We can now convert the ciphertext matrix back into letters using the substitution table to obtain the encrypted message:


S  A  N  O  V  V  T  A  Y  K  H

So, the encrypted message using the Hill Cipher with the given key is “SANOVVTAYKH”.

(b) Differentiate Following:
i)Stream Cipher and block cipher
ii)Active attack and Passive attack

(c) Explain single round of DES algorithm.

(c) Explain Key Expansion in AES algorithm.

(a) Differentiate conventional encryption and public key encryption.

Conventional encryption and public key encryption are two different methods of encrypting data, and they differ in how they use keys for encryption and decryption:

  1. Key Usage: Conventional encryption, also known as symmetric key encryption, uses the same secret key for both encryption and decryption. This means that the same key is used to encrypt the plaintext data and then used again to decrypt the ciphertext back into plaintext. On the other hand, public key encryption, also known as asymmetric key encryption, uses a pair of keys – a public key and a private key. The public key is used for encryption, and the private key is used for decryption.
  2. Key Distribution: In conventional encryption, the same secret key used for encryption and decryption must be securely shared between the communicating parties before they can exchange encrypted messages. This can be challenging in terms of key management and distribution, especially in large-scale communication networks. In public key encryption, each user has a unique key pair consisting of a public key and a private key. The public key can be freely shared with anyone, while the private key must be kept secret. This allows for secure communication without the need for pre-shared keys.
  3. Encryption/Decryption Process: In conventional encryption, the same secret key is used for both encryption and decryption. The plaintext data is encrypted using the secret key with a symmetric encryption algorithm, and the resulting ciphertext is decrypted back into plaintext using the same secret key. In public key encryption, the public key is used for encryption and the private key is used for decryption. The plaintext data is encrypted using the recipient’s public key with an asymmetric encryption algorithm, and the resulting ciphertext can only be decrypted using the recipient’s private key.
  4. Security: In conventional encryption, the security of the encrypted data relies solely on the secrecy of the shared secret key. If the secret key is compromised or intercepted, the encrypted data may be vulnerable to decryption attacks. In public key encryption, the security relies on the secrecy of the private key, which is kept by the owner and not shared with anyone. The public key can be freely shared without compromising the security of the encrypted data. Public key encryption also provides additional functionalities such as digital signatures and authentication, which are not present in conventional encryption.
  5. Scalability: Conventional encryption may face challenges in terms of scalability and key management, especially in large-scale communication networks with a large number of users. Public key encryption provides a scalable solution as each user has a unique key pair, and the public keys can be freely shared without the need for pre-shared keys.

(b) In a public key system using RSA, the cipher text intercepted is C=12
which is sent to the user whose public key is e=5, n=35. What is the
plaintext M?

(c) Explain SHA1 hashing algorithm in detail.


(a) Alice meets Bob and says “Wshu H pz uva dvyrpun wyvwlysf. dl ohcl
av tvcl av aol wshu I.” If she is using Caesar Cipher, what does she want
to convey?

Alice is using the Caesar Cipher to encrypt her message to Bob. The encrypted message “Wshu H pz uva dvyrpun wyvwlysf. dl ohcl av tvcl av aol wshu I” can be decoded using a Caesar Cipher with a left shift of 7 (assuming a standard English alphabet with 26 letters).

Decoding the message using a Caesar Cipher with a left shift of 7, we get the original plaintext message:

“This C is not something meaningful. by this my name my the way I.”

So, the decrypted message is: “This C is not something meaningful. by this my name my the way I.”

Alice is trying to convey the message: “This is not something meaningful. By the way, my name is the way I.”

(b) User A & B exchange the key using Diffie Hellman algorithm Assume
public numbers P=17 G=2 and private values X=3 Y=7 respectively.
Find the Public Value R1,R2 and key K of user A and B.

(c) Describe MAC? Explain HMAC algorithm in details.

(a) List and explain transposition techniques in cryptography.

Transposition techniques in cryptography refer to methods of encrypting plaintext by rearranging the positions of its characters or symbols without altering their identities. Transposition techniques do not change the actual characters or symbols of the plaintext but rather change their order, making them suitable for achieving confidentiality in data communication.

Here are some common transposition techniques in cryptography:

  1. Columnar Transposition: In this technique, the plaintext is written in rows of fixed-length columns, and then the columns are rearranged according to a specific key or permutation rule. The ciphertext is obtained by reading the columns row-wise. Columnar transposition can be done with or without a keyword. It provides moderate security and is relatively simple to implement.
  2. Rail Fence: In this technique, the plaintext is written diagonally on successive “rails” or lines, and then the characters are read off row-wise to obtain the ciphertext. The number of rails used determines the level of encryption. Rail fence is easy to implement, but it may not provide strong security as it can be susceptible to frequency analysis attacks.
  3. Route Transposition: Also known as the “Scytale” cipher, this technique involves wrapping the plaintext around a cylinder of a fixed circumference and then reading it off in a different order, typically in a spiral or zigzag pattern. The ciphertext is obtained by reading the characters from the cylinder in the order specified by the route. Route transposition provides moderate security and can be implemented in various ways.
  4. Double Transposition: This technique combines two or more rounds of transposition using different methods. For example, a columnar transposition followed by a row transposition or vice versa. Double transposition can provide increased security compared to single transposition techniques.
  5. Myszkowski Transposition: In this technique, the plaintext is arranged in a matrix and then rearranged according to a specific rule, such as the positions of repeating characters. The ciphertext is obtained by reading off the columns row-wise. Myszkowski transposition can provide stronger security compared to other transposition techniques, but it may require more complex implementation.

(b) Write the Euclid’s algorithm and show the steps of Euclid’s algorithm
to find gcd(401,700).

(c) Describe the principle of digital signature algorithm (DSA).Explain the
signing and verifying function in DSA.


(a) Explain replaying attack with example.

A replay attack is a type of cyber attack where an attacker captures a legitimate data transmission and replays it later to gain unauthorized access or cause other malicious actions. This type of attack takes advantage of the lack of proper authentication and validation mechanisms in a system, allowing the attacker to replay previously captured data, such as network packets, authentication credentials, or other sensitive information.

Here’s an example of a replay attack:

Suppose Alice and Bob are communicating over a network using a simple authentication protocol. Alice sends a request to Bob to transfer $100 from her bank account to Bob’s account. To authenticate the request, Alice’s request includes her username, password, and a timestamp. Bob receives the request and validates the timestamp to ensure it is within an acceptable time window.

However, an attacker named Eve is eavesdropping on the network and captures Alice’s request, including her username, password, and timestamp. Eve then replays the captured request multiple times, within the valid time window, to Bob’s server.

Since Bob’s server does not have proper mechanisms to detect and prevent replay attacks, it processes each replayed request as a legitimate one. As a result, Bob’s server transfers $100 from Alice’s account to Bob’s account multiple times, as instructed by the replayed requests. This allows Eve to fraudulently transfer $100 from Alice’s account to Bob’s account multiple times, without proper authorization.

(b) Describe Elgamal digital signature.

(c) Define KDC? With the help of diagram explain how KDC do key

(a) What is the purpose of HTTPS?

HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure) is a secure version of the HTTP protocol that is used for communication between web browsers and web servers over the internet. The purpose of HTTPS is to provide secure and encrypted communication to protect sensitive data transmitted between a web browser and a web server.

The main purposes of HTTPS are:

  1. Data Confidentiality: HTTPS encrypts the data transmitted between the web browser and the web server, ensuring that it cannot be intercepted or viewed by unauthorized parties. This helps to protect sensitive information, such as credit card numbers, passwords, and personal information, from being intercepted by eavesdroppers.
  2. Data Integrity: HTTPS ensures that the data transmitted between the web browser and the web server is not tampered with during transmission. It uses message integrity checks, such as digital signatures, to detect any unauthorized modifications or alterations to the data.
  3. Authentication: HTTPS provides authentication of the web server, ensuring that the web browser is communicating with the legitimate server and not a fake or malicious server. This is typically done using digital certificates issued by trusted Certificate Authorities (CAs) that verify the identity of the web server.
  4. Trust and Confidence: HTTPS provides a visual indication to users that the website they are accessing is secure by displaying a padlock icon or a green address bar in the web browser. This helps to build trust and confidence among users that their data is being transmitted securely and that they are accessing a legitimate website.

(b) Write a short note on Secure Socket Layer.

(c) Draw and explain Kerberos protocol in details.


(a) Define Following Terms:
i) Group
ii) Ring
iii) Field

i) Group: In abstract algebra, a group is a set G equipped with an operation * that satisfies four main properties: closure, associativity, identity, and inverse.

Closure: For any two elements a, b in G, their product a * b is also in G.

Associativity: For any three elements a, b, c in G, the operation * satisfies the associative property, meaning that (a * b) * c = a * (b * c).

Identity: There exists an element e in G, called the identity element, such that for any element a in G, a * e = e * a = a.

Inverse: For any element a in G, there exists an element b in G, called the inverse of a, such that a * b = b * a = e, where e is the identity element of G.

Groups have many applications in various areas of mathematics, computer science, and cryptography, and they are used to describe mathematical structures with specific properties.

ii) Ring: In abstract algebra, a ring is a set R equipped with two operations, usually denoted as addition (+) and multiplication (*), that satisfy certain properties.

Addition: The operation (+) makes R into an abelian group, meaning that it satisfies the properties of closure, associativity, identity (0 is the additive identity), and inverse (each element has an additive inverse).

Multiplication: The operation (*) satisfies the properties of closure, associativity, and distributivity over addition. However, multiplication in a ring may not have an identity element, and it may not necessarily be commutative (i.e., a * b may not always equal b * a).

Rings are commonly used in algebra, number theory, and computer science, and they provide a general framework for studying structures that have both addition and multiplication operations.

iii) Field: In abstract algebra, a field is a set F equipped with two operations, addition (+) and multiplication (*), that satisfy the properties of a ring, with the additional requirement that every non-zero element of F has a multiplicative inverse.

Addition: The operation (+) makes F into an abelian group, meaning that it satisfies the properties of closure, associativity, identity (0 is the additive identity), and inverse (each element has an additive inverse).

Multiplication: The operation (*) satisfies the properties of closure, associativity, distributivity over addition, and also has an identity element (1 is the multiplicative identity). Additionally, every non-zero element of F has a multiplicative inverse, meaning that for any non-zero element a in F, there exists an element b in F such that a * b = b * a = 1.

(b) Explain Public key Infrastructure in security.

(c) Explain X.509 authentication service.

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