MPI GTU Paper Solution Winter 2022

Here, We provide MPI GTU Paper Solution Winter 2022. Read the Full Microprocessor and Interfecing gtu paper solution given below.

Microprocessor & Interfacing GTU Old Paper Winter 2022 [Marks : 70] : Click Here

(a) Discuss various types of addressing modes of 8085.

Here are the various types of addressing modes supported by the 8085:

Immediate Addressing Mode: In this mode, the operand is a constant or an immediate value. The value is directly provided as part of the instruction.

  • For example, MVI A, 42H instruction loads the immediate value 42H into register A.

Register Addressing Mode: In this mode, the operand is stored in one of the registers of the microprocessor.

  • For example, MOV B, A instruction copies the content of register A to register B.

Direct Addressing Mode: In this mode, the operand is directly accessed from the memory location. The address of the memory location is specified as part of the instruction.

  • For example, LDA 2000H instruction loads the content of memory location 2000H into register A.

Indirect Addressing Mode: In this mode, the operand is accessed indirectly through a register or memory location that contains the address of the operand.

  • For example, LDA (HL) instruction loads the content of the memory location whose address is stored in the HL register into register A.

Register Indirect Addressing Mode: In this mode, the operand is accessed indirectly through a register that contains the address of the operand.

  • For example, LDAX B instruction loads the content of the memory location pointed to by the BC register pair into register A.

(b) What are the advantages of an assembly language in comparison with
high level languages?

(c) Draw and explain the block diagram of a microprocessor 8085.

(a) How does the microprocessor differentiate among a positive number,
negative number and a bit pattern?

To differentiate among these types of data, the microprocessor uses different techniques:

Positive Numbers: Positive numbers are represented in the microprocessor using the unsigned binary number system. In this system, the most significant bit (MSB) is always zero, indicating that the number is positive.

Negative Numbers: Negative numbers are represented in the microprocessor using the two’s complement notation. In this notation, the MSB is used as a sign bit. If the sign bit is 1, the number is negative; if the sign bit is 0, the number is positive. To convert a negative number in two’s complement notation to its decimal equivalent, the magnitude of the number is obtained by taking the one’s complement (flipping all bits) of the number and adding 1 to the result.

Bit Patterns: A bit pattern may represent any data, whether it is a positive or negative number, a character, an instruction code, or any other information.

(b) LOOP: LXI H, 1234H
Find out the mistake(s) in the above program and write the correct
program so that it does not become infinite loop.

(a) What are the states of the Auxiliary Carry (AC), Carry (CY), sign(S) and
parity (P) flags after executing the following 8085 program?

MPI GTU Paper Solution Winter 2022

The first instruction MVI L, 5DH loads the lower byte of register pair HL with the value 5Dh.

The second instruction MVI A, 6BH loads the accumulator with the value 6Bh.

The third instruction ADD L adds the value in register L to the accumulator. The value in register L is 5Dh, so the addition results is C8h


  • Auxiliary Carry (AC) flag: Not affected.
  • Carry (CY) flag: Not affected.
  • Sign (S) flag: Set because the result C8h has its most significant bit set.
  • Parity (P) flag: Set because the result C8h has an even number of set bits.

(b) Explain 8085 Programming model and classify instruction set on the
basis of different addressing modes.

(c) 2100 LXI H, 1234H
MVI A, 55H
What is the size of ADD M instruction? Name the machine cycles. Draw machine cycle and T-state diagram and specify the content of address bus, data bus and control signals *RD, *WR, IO/*M and ALE signals and status signals S1 and S0 for every T states of ADD M instruction only.

(a) What are the states of the Auxiliary Carry (AC), Carry (CY), sign(S) and parity (P) flags after executing the following 8085 program?
MVI B, 57H

MVI A, A9H00100
MVI B, 57H00100
ADD B11100
ORA A10101

The values in the table are either 0 or 1, indicating whether the flag is reset (0) or set (1) after the execution of each instruction.

(b) Explain One byte, Two byte, Three byte and write short note on different
types of instruction sets.

(c) Specify the addressing mode, required Machine cycles, T-States and function for following instructions : 1. MVI M, 45H 2. RAL LHLD 2300H

(a) Difference between RLC and RAL instruction.

RLC and RAL are both instructions that perform rotation operations on the contents of the accumulator in the 8085 microprocessor. However, there are some key differences between these two instructions:

MPI GTU Paper Solution Winter 2022
  1. RLC rotates the accumulator contents one bit to the left, with the bit that was previously in the most significant position now becoming the least significant bit, and the carry flag being set to the value of the bit that was rotated out. RAL, on the other hand, rotates the accumulator contents one bit to the left through the carry flag, with the carry flag itself being shifted into the least significant bit, and the carry flag being set to the value of the bit that was rotated out.
  2. RLC is an 8-bit instruction that takes 4 clock cycles to execute, whereas RAL is also an 8-bit instruction but takes 1 additional clock cycle to execute (i.e., 5 clock cycles in total).

Here is a table summarizing the differences between RLC and RAL:

InstructionOperationCarry FlagExecution Time
RLCRotate accumulator contents leftBit 74 cycles
RALRotate accumulator contents leftBit 05 cycles

Note: The carry flag in both instructions is set to the value of the bit that was rotated out.

(b) Differentiate between maskable and non-maskable interrupts.

(c) What is a flag Register? Enlist and explain various types of flags.

(a) Difference between RRC and RAR instruction.

RRC instruction rotates the contents of a register or a memory location one bit to the right. The rightmost bit is rotated into the Carry flag, and the previous value of the Carry flag is rotated into the leftmost bit. This instruction is useful in performing arithmetic and logical operations in microprocessors.

RAR instruction rotates the contents of the Accumulator register one bit to the right. The rightmost bit is rotated into the Carry flag, and the previous value of the Carry flag is rotated into the leftmost bit of the Accumulator. This instruction is commonly used in binary arithmetic and logical operations.

(b) What is vectored and non-vectored interrupts?

(c) Describe the functions of
(2) ALE
(3) HOLD
(4) X1 and X2
(5) SID and SOD
(6) IO/M 22.
(7) HLDA

(a) List features of 80386 microprocessor.

  1. 32-bit architecture: The 80386 is a 32-bit microprocessor, which means it can handle larger data sizes and address larger amounts of memory than its predecessors.
  2. Virtual memory support: The 80386 supports virtual memory, which allows a program to use more memory than is physically available by using disk storage as an extension of main memory.
  3. Protected mode: The 80386 supports protected mode, which provides a secure environment for running multiple applications simultaneously without interfering with each other.
  4. Built-in memory management unit (MMU): The 80386 has a built-in memory management unit, which allows it to map physical memory addresses to virtual addresses and manage memory access permissions.
  5. Improved instruction set: The 80386 introduced new and improved instructions, including new arithmetic and logic instructions, as well as new memory access and control instructions. These instructions improved performance and made it easier for developers to write efficient code.

(b) Draw block diagram of SUN SPARC architecture.

(c) Explain the internal Block diagram of 8259A.

(a) List features of 80486 microprocessor.

  1. 32-bit architecture: The 80486 is a 32-bit microprocessor, which means it can handle larger data sizes and address larger amounts of memory than its predecessors.
  2. Integrated Floating-Point Unit (FPU): The 80486 includes an integrated FPU, which allows it to perform floating-point calculations much faster than its predecessors.
  3. Improved cache performance: The 80486 features an improved cache memory system that can store more data and instructions than its predecessors. This helps to reduce the time it takes to access frequently used data and instructions.
  4. Pipelining: The 80486 features a five-stage pipeline, which allows it to execute multiple instructions simultaneously and improve overall performance.
  5. Support for multiple operating modes: The 80486 supports multiple operating modes, including real mode, protected mode, and virtual mode. This provides greater flexibility for software developers and allows them to write more efficient code.

(b) Draw logical block diagram of ARM 7 architecture.

(c) Explain the internal Block diagram of 8255A.

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